Zhongguo Gua-cai
《中国瓜菜》是由中华人民共和国农业农村部主管,中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所主办的全国性瓜菜一体的科技期刊。ISSN 1673-2871,CN 41-1374/S。1988年创刊,为半年刊,1993年公开发行后为季刊,2003年起改为双月刊。2016年起改为月刊。现在每期160页,每月5日出版,每期定价RMB 8元,全年12期共RMB 96元,邮发代号:36-143。刊物主编由中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所徐永阳研究员担任,顾问由中国工程院吴明珠院士、邹学校院士、喻景权院士、李天来院士等担任。
“Chinese Cucurbits and Vegetables”(CCV), formerly known as “Chinese Watermelon and Melon,” is a national technical periodical dedicated to cucurbit and vegetable research. It is registered under ISSN 1673-2871 and is administered by the Ministry of Agriculture, with publication handled by the Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
CCV was initially published biannually starting in 1988 but transitioned to quarterly publishing in 1993. Professor Xu Yong-yang of the Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute serves as the chief editor, with Professor WU Ming-zhu, Professor LI Tian-lai, Professor YU Jing-quan, Professor ZOU Xue-xiao, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, providing consultation for editing and publishing.
CCV maintains the original characteristics, excellence, tradition, and style of “Chinese Watermelon and Melon.” The periodical focuses on scientific research, production, and industry developments related to cucurbit crops. It publishes reports and research papers on significant achievements in scientific research, the latest science and technology developments, practical technologies, and information related to other vegetable crops. This focus aims to promote the comprehensive development of the cucurbit and vegetable industry in China.
The periodical is printed on standard international A4 paper and includes an English copyright page and table of contents. Research papers feature English titles, abstracts, key words and table. CCV has received the first-place award for the technology class in the fourth and fifth sessions of the national agriculture periodical Jinli Jiang. It was also recognized as a first-class periodical during the first evaluation of the quality of scientific periodicals in Henan Province in 2008.
CCV is a core Chinese science and technology periodical, according to the Chinese Science and Technology Paper Source Statistics. As reported in the 2007 China Periodical Adduction Report (Expanded Version), CCV has an impact factor of 1.356 and a direct reference rate of 1.065. Samples of the journal are available for distribution to various databases.
Contact person: DAI Jun;
Zhengzhou Fruit Tree Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Science; Southeast Navigation Road, Zhengzhou 450009; P. R. China;
Telephone:+86-371-65330927(Editorial Department),+86-371-65330949/26(Advertising Department), +86-371-65330982(Distribution Department), +86-371-65330926 (Editor); Email: